The Nelson Cohaus Scheme, currently in schematic design phase, is for a ‘cohousing’ development of nine units located on the outskirts of Nelson.
Cohousing is an intentional, self-governing, cooperative community where residents live in private homes and have access to shared spaces, landscapes and facilities. In this design the units comprise of a combination of two- and three-bedroom townhouses, formed into three clusters, each with outlook and a private garden to the north. Shared facilities include a common house, guest room, storage, bike store and workshop. The landscape is a key part of this project and aims to rehabilitate and regenerate the site and existing creek, improving the long-term ecological outcomes of the former farmland. Residents will have access to shared landscapes and productive gardens.
The Nelson Cohousing project represents a different approach to housing and development from what we have traditionally built in this region. It is intended to provide homes which are obtainable, community focused, sustainable, and ecologically conscious, as well as providing a high level of amenity for the occupants.
Design of the Nelson Cohousing project has been undertaken in collaboration with Meadow Landscapes.